Looking for a quality Bluetooth or USB headset to make online calls? Get it for a fraction of the price. You already got all the hardware in your phone -- use Mobiola Headset to make it work!
Main Functionality:
- New design!
- Transforms your mobile phone into high-quality headset.
- Works through WiFi(NEW!), USB or Bluetooth.
- Works with Skype, Yahoo, YouTube, MSN, AOL IM, ICQ and many others.
- Compatible with Nokia S60. UIQ and Windows Mobile 5 and 6 support is coming soon
- Very simple to install and configure.

Compatible devices:
Nokia 3250, 5500, E50, E51, E65, E70, E90, N71, N73, N76, N80, N81, N82, N91,
N92, N93, N93i, N95, N96